Friday, January 28, 2022

The Uncover Up

 The Uncover Up

By Charles E. Kraus

They gathered on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.  I thought about it.

I'm a rather average member of my community.  Not particularly well off. More self educated than formally educated.  Family man.  I like that last description best.  I vote.  Try to do my share.  Attempt to be empathetic.  But, I believe I'm running out of empathy.  The world is just too exasperating, and I'm overcome by displeasure.  The final straws are Covid related,  Not Covid itself.  If I can put my hand on any one culprit, I'd say it is Covid-ignorance. I'm thinking about those who react foolishly and selfishly to this contagious, sometimes deadly, disease.

So many people who I talk with are tired of excusing anti-vaxxers. Is it that difficult to be sensible?  Poor, confused, misled, undereducated, well meaning souls that have gone astray -- that’s one way to look at them.  In the alternative — uncaring, irresponsible, illogical, unneighborly folks, disinterested in reality and willing to gamble with their own lives and the lives of others on the erroneous theory that science is junk.  

Wearing a mask is too uncomfortable?  That uncomfortable?  Every three year old I see walking down the street with mom has managed to overcome the awkwardness.  Do you find using an NR95 so demeaning you'd rather reveal your nose than help protect mankind?  Let me tell you, I've seen your nose, and keeping it covered enhances your profile.  

Social Philosopher Eric Hoffer’s book, 'The True Believer,’ published in 1951, describes the psychological roots of fanatical groups. The benefits bestowed on membership include a sense of power that comes from being obsessed and disruptive.  True Believers don’t need facts, they need causes.  Facts are mundane, nuanced, boring.  Causes are exciting.  Putting a thumb in society’s eye can finally make life meaningful. 

Perhaps you are one of those independent anti--vaxxers whose developed concerns about how Bill Gates plans to use the vaccine's secret infinitesimal microchips to send subliminal messages to your subconscious.  Conspiratorial little whispers. "Choose sanity."   That kind of thing.  It's a moot point.   Back off.  Gates has recently removed the chips from Pfizer and Moderna, and is now hiding them in Hershey chocolate bars.   You thought those were almonds?

To unmask the unmasks, I'll tell you their dirty little secret. They believe in post-covid medical intervention.  Why else would deniers head to the hospital AFTER they contract Covid? Evidently, deep down, they know and have known all along that science is their best bet. They're just parsing the particulars.  

People have to work hard to ignore natural survival instincts.   Spotting a runaway truck headed in your direction sends you into a fight or flight response (in this case, I'd suggest flight).    Spot a virus heading in your direction -- well, you know what you are supposed to do.  Take precautions.  Look over possible responses and choose those that seem to have the best odds.  Bravado is not one of them.

What you are not supposed to do is pretend your intuition outweighs reason.  

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