Thursday, February 21, 2013

A Fowl Deed

The LA Times published this story way back in 1980.  Might be the only rooster obituary they ever ran. 




A Fowl Deed

By Charles Kraus


     It was one of life’s tragic moments – Brewster being lowered into the ground, my young daughter clinging to my pants leg, sobbing goodbye to her dear, dear friend.  And in the distance, the phantom cheers of local residents, delighted by the prospect of peaceful dawns, uninterrupted by the bugling of the departed rooster.

     Brewster was gone, and except for my wife and 4-year-old Rebecca, who worried that Farmer-God might not feed him well enough in rooster heaven, people seemed downright pleased by his departure.

     I am, by nature, not a rooster booster.  Back in New York City, mama tried to raise me proper, and the only barnyard creatures we got to see were of the plucked variety, hanging grotesquely by their naked kosher necks.

     Even in Oregon, where my wife and daughter and I had recently spent 18 months waiting for the sun to come out, roosters stayed clear of my path.  There were cow-Oregonians, sheep-Oregonians, pig-Oregonians. In  Eugene, one of our country’s old-age homes for surviving hippies, we actually met a guy with a pet gefilte fish.  Yet, I encountered not a rooster.

     The world is an odd oval, and evidently it was written somewhere that my footsteps would cross rooster droppings.  This came to pass upon our return to Los Angeles.

     If the census taker had a question on his page that read, “What do you think of when you hear the name Los Angeles?” you could bet your two-bedroom, $400,000 shanty that not a single individual would respond: “Roosters.”  But it was not in the wilds of the Northwest that Brewster entered my life.  It was a few blocks south of Los Feliz Boulevard.

     We had just moved into our house, the truck had gone off taking the cord to our television, and we’d settled in for a good night’s rest.  Brewster let us sleep until about 6 a.m.  That was the hour he had selected for a few pre-dawn vocal warm-ups.

     Having not been schooled in the art of adapting rooster calls to the written page, I will merely say that the rooster’s pitch was somewhere below that of a tone-deaf bull elephant, and that his repertoire resembled a whirling garbage disposal filled with tin cans.

     “When I took this place,” I explained to my wife, “they didn’t tell me it came with a warm-blooded alarm cock.”

     “That’s OK, dear,” she replied.  “Where did you say we packed the ax?”

     I wasn’t about to resort to butchery, and so turned to sticks and stones.  Not that they helped much.  This was no stewing hen, but what I later learned to identify as a bantam.  A bantam is a rooster that can fly!  Fly into the trees, fly into the hills and fly into your early morning sleep.

     Rebecca took an immediate fancy to the barnyard character.  She’s the one who named him.  And rumor has it that when I wasn’t looking, she even brought him his dinner.

     As the days passed, I formed a kind of adversary’s admiration for our feathered siren.  He was clever and quite handsome.  He marched about our back yard and the slopping hill beyond it with a demeanor so assured and commanding that our three cats and Gabby, our dog, refused to question his credentials.

     Thought Rebecca enjoyed telling her new chums that Brewster was our personal property, the truth was that we were his personal property.  He strutted up and down in front, as well as in back, of our house, coming and going as he pleased.  The area kids staged several rooster hunts, but the bantam, with a  verbal assist from our daughter, always managed to secure himself in a nearby tree, a smirk on his beak and a “cock-a-doodle-doo” on the tip of his tongue.

     About a week into this activity, there was an early-morning knock on our door.   Was it Brewster, with a request for pancakes?  No, it was a greeting from a gentleman who turned out to be our neighbor.

     “Hello,” he said, shaking my hand.

     “I’m your neighbor.  Welcome to Los Angeles.  I can see from your license plate that you’re down from Oregon.  Didn’t happen too bring a rooster with you?”

     Oh no, could it be true?  Had the rooster arrived the same day we’d reached town?  If that were the case, then every resident within a rooster’s striek was of the opinion that the damn fowl was ours.

     I assured the fellow that Brewster and I had never met, that he wasn’t connected to our family, that I’d assumed he come with the house, and that, in fact, I’d done everything short of calling the authorities to get him the hell out of our yard.

     “Don’t worry about the authorities,” he said, “I’ve already called the Department of Animal Regulation.”

     He shook my hand again, and then as an afterthought, told me it was against the law to bring a rooster across a state line.

     I couldn’t’ blame the guy for being upset, but at the same time, I was beginning to see Brewster’s side.  They were ganging up on him, and I’ave always rooted for the underdog – or in this case, the underrooster.

     My wife, who seemed to be growing resigned to bantam eccentricities, suggested we catch Brewster and donates him to a nursery school.  That sounded a whole lot more reasonable than donating him to a pot of soup, and so I set out to capture our friend as quickly as possible.

     Rooster hunting, never one of my strong points – I don’t even have a license – required tree climbing ability, also one of my inadequacies.  And just as I’d figured out how to get from limb A to limb C, Brewster flew past me.

     “Pretty good view,” a voice said, and for a moment I was willing to believe that the bird could articulate when well-motivated.

     “You see any roosters around here?” the speaker continued.

     Looking down, I spotted a uniformed individual, field glasses in hand and dandruff on her shoulders.

     “We’ve had a complaint about your rooster,” she told me as I made my way to the ground floor.

     “It’s not mine,” I explained.

     “That’s not the way we heard it.”

     “Circumstantal evidence.”

     Just then, Brewster came walking up the drive.

     “Tell her you don’t belong to us,” I shouted, but he refused to confirm this fact.

     “I was just trying to catch him and cart him off to a nursery school.”

     She nodded, jotting a few notes down on her pad, and explaining she had only come to investigate. Someone else, an authorized deputy, would be by to assure Brewster’s incarceration.  The rooster didn’t’ seem nearly as frightened by this information as I did.  Maybe he knew a good lawyer.  Anyhow, he marched to within a foot of our dog, teased Gabby just enough to create an interest, and then flew back to the tree.

     The city bird catcher never showed.   Unfortunately, his presence became moot.  For that evening, Brewster attempted to repeat his little game with our dog.  It was a plain case of ‘once too often.”  I will say only that even a handsome, cunning, and intelligent rooster can miscalculate.  This time, the results were feather-raising.

     Rebecca cried.  My wife did her best to hold back her tears.  I felt a little sick to my stomach. Even the dog looked remorseful. 

     And so we came to bury the bird.

     I won’t say I miss him, but every time I open a can of Campbell’s Chicken Noodle, I get a lump in my throat that’s not a stuck piece of celery. 



Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Next Faze

This was written in September of 2011; an oldie by an oldie.

The Next Faze

By Charles Kraus

Having recently retired, I find myself being exposed to a day-world, with a pace, character, and citizenry that is going to take a little getting used to.  So this is what the rest of you have been up to while I slaved away downtown?    

The particular mid-morning universe into which I now journey seems to be populated by a meandering species of gray-haired pensioners, plus moms with young children.  Physical characteristics notwithstanding, I have no sense of belonging to either group.

The high point of my day, something I’m particularly proud to reveal, is that I have honored a promise I made to myself, way back when.  Yes, despite the gasps of disbelieve, it is true, I now exercise daily at the local gymnasium.

The stationary bicycle is hard on the knees.  The various machines, one evidently designed to perfect each and every component in the human physique, are more serviceable than energizing.   It is the treadmill upon which I find true invigoration.  By pressing buttons, I can walk uphill, downhill, faster and faster, even simulate running, as if being chased by a hoard of paparazzi, and – this part is the most fascinating aspect of the 2.5 miles that I traverse within the confines of my motorized promenade – I get to stare at 9 television screens mounted conspicuously just where the eyes of a speed walker come to rest if and when he coaxes them from the various reports available on the treadmill dashboard.

It is difficult to avoid inspecting those 9 screens.  Some folks place a book on the console and read as they walk.  That gives me a headache.   I intend to purchase an MP3 player and use my stroll-time to enjoy educational lectures.  This is a self-promise not yet executed.   For now, it is to the screens that the mind is attracted.

These TV monitors provide samples, show after show, moment after moment, commercial after commercial, of …  Though tempted, I’m not going into a Sunday school lecture about the corruption of  values and the dilution of reason.  I suspect that would just reveal my naiveté.   I don’t even own a tattoo, and am therefore probably not qualified to comment about contemporary social issues.  I’ll say only that my media sampling does far more to raise my blood pressure and stimulate aerobic brain dysfunction than any treadmill I’ve ever mounted. 

I removed my headset today and just let my eyes taken in the visual aspects, roving from screen to screen.  I saw endless talk shows featuring women who were crying.  Various programs extolling the benefits of public shame, of playing with guns, of jumping up and down like excited children when the participants in question were merely grownups extravagantly emotional about their appearance on an inconsequential game show.

           Rapidly shifting my gaze from set to set, I noticed the same commercials running on 2, 3 or even 4 stations at approximately but not quite the same times.  This was great, because if, while watching monitor #3, you missed part of a pharmaceutical manufacturer’s 45 second disclaimer cataloguing a medical dictionary-length confessional of potential side-effects such as death, near-death, cancer, liver disease, heart failure, unconsciousness, suicidal inclinations and/or the onset of severe flatulation, possibly caused by the extolled product, you could catch the missing revelations on monitor #7.

This retirement business is going to take some getting used to.  Right now, I’m going to try to calm down, take my Finasteride and my Losartan Potassium, and hope I don’t develop a rare side-effect such as obsessive reminiscence syndrome. 

The Life Process

The Life Process
By Charles Kraus
c 2013
Life is a process, life is a gestalt, life is a problem, life is a path, life is a contradiction, life is an obligation, life is a fabrication, life is a myth, life is a rumor, life is a disease, life is a wedding, life is a garden, life is a conflict, life is an opportunity, life is a chance, life is a contest; life is a gift, life is a burden, life is a series of alternatives, life is a beginning, life is an illusion, life is an answer, life is a dance, life is a way of life, life is a what you make it, life is way too short, too long, too hard, too confusing, too unsettling, too sad, too wonderful, to leave when it is time to go and there are those to whom you must say goodbye.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

There were things I had intended to do

There were things I had intended to do

By Charles Kraus   cc2013

I waited for my turn, which was an ineffective method.
I believed in someday and checked the mail finding only postage due and pamphlets.

There were things I had intended to do, here, there, elsewhere. 
Encounters I had intended to make.  Pursuits.  Conversations I assumed would occur.
Adventures to be experienced. 
A cumulative effect, a body of evidence.

Tangled in concepts, stretched and distorted by obligations, by desires, by possibilities, by tomorrows, I one day noticed inertia,
recalled vaguely, that there were things, intentions, achievements, results, withheld.

At sea.
Ultimately, I wish to float.

Friday, February 8, 2013

When Words Fail

When Words Fail
By Charles E. Kraus
c 2013

This is the time of year when we gather indoors.  It’s a ‘story’ time of year.  Families and friends swap tales and share aspirations. 
I can still hear the voices of my children, back when they were little-- Tell the one where the car broke down.  Say the one when you found the book with the money in it!  These stories have become routines repeated annually, and endlessly.
I’m getting along in years and would like my kids to learn more about their father.  To hear my other stories, the ones about the life I’ve experienced deep within.  But I find that words are not particularly useful tools for expressing the tone and impact of events that have transfixed and altered my journey through time.   Some situations are so vivid that it seems impossible to limit their retells to language.   
I want my kids to know about, to somehow pass along to them, the electricity in the air, the anticipation, the heat, the sounds, of an armory packed to the bursting point with excited, enthralled, shrieking supporters, the night, three hours late, John Kennedy arrived for a brief campaign appearance. 
      I want my kids to understand and appreciate what it was like, what it felt like, to experience the shock and sorrow and jolting sobriety of the President’s assassination.  To know as we did, with certainty that everyone, everywhere, absolutely everyone, absolutely everywhere, wept uncontrollably.  That our anguish was magnified by its universal pervasiveness.
      Is there any way I can share the things that occurred inside my head, and then in every aspect of my perception, on that autumn day when,  as I was seated next to my girlfriend in a college auditorium, the lecturer posed a complex math problem, one far beyond my skill level, perhaps beyond those of any of us?  Yet somehow, influenced by a desire to impress, by an excitement that filled my mind, wheels and gears whizzed round within my head.  In mere seconds, almost screaming, more than declaring, I performed the uncharacteristic act of rising from my chair and shouting out with an unexplainable confidence, an answer so correct and complete that a silence composed entirely of amazement filled the lecture hall?
      Can I really use words to describe what it was like identifying with millions of kids, my generation, my peers?  How we were possessed by delusions of invincibility and altruism?  How, guided by a sense righteousness and moral smugness, propelled by hallucinogens and misconceptions, we abandoned our homes, heading for places such as Haight Ashbury?  Or a kingdom called “on the road”?  Can I ever explain how my generation created a genuine, if impermanent, festival of the ‘alternative path’?  And later, what it was like as blood and chaos claimed the streets obscuring our trail and altering our objectives?
      I have tried unsuccessfully to describe how I felt on a certain extremely dark, fierce Rhode Island evening.  This was after stowing my gear and cleaning up, when I set out through the numbing night, hearing the sounds made as boots sink slightly into the crust of ice that forms on New England snow.  Alone, quietly heading for the bus stop, thinking that just a plane ride ago, I’d been experiencing the monsoon season and a military exercise called Nam.  Realizing how in the span of two days, the war had become part of my past.  The walk had a feeling.  Actually, the feeling returns whenever I recall my steps through the snow, the quietest, calmest, most serene journey I believe I have ever made.  Words cannot capture these sensations.
Such moments are extraordinary.  We all have them.  Wouldn’t it be wonderful if our kids could catch a glimpse of the peaks and vistas that defined our journeys?   They, of course, will have their own unique, remarkably vivid and meaningful moments.  If we cannot share the specifics, at least we accept the concept that our lives are lived beyond words.  Perhaps some aspects can by transmitted by the intensity of the telling. 
Charles E. Kraus lives and writes in Seattle.